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4/11/2021 Made for Love
April 11, 2021
Speaker: | Rev. Sharon Allmond |
Series: | Sermons 2021 |
Date: | April 11, 2021 |
Download: | 4/11/2021 Made for Love |
Plays: | 0 |
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April 11, 2021
Speaker: | Rev. Sharon Allmond |
Series: | Sermons 2021 |
Date: | April 11, 2021 |
Download: | 4/11/2021 Made for Love |
Plays: | 0 |
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Unity Worldwide Ministries’ Annual Theme for 2021 is “How to Stay Centered, No Matter What” and it is based on Charles Fillmore, co-founder of the Unity movement’s concept of 12 Tools (or 12 Powers) for achieving inner peace in a chaotic world. This year let us join and practice using these tools…
I want to share with you an excerpt from the poem A Budding Flower, from the book “Love Notes For The Journey”, by Jackie Compton.“You are the budding flower, my friend.You have emerged from the cold and darkand have planted your roots in God’s Nourishment.Then you started to grow spiritually,facing each challenge that came upon…