Spring Stirs Us
New Beginnings
This is the time of year that is so transformative! At the beginning of March, we are often still experiencing all the effects of winter; leafless trees, brown grass, cold weather. It’s hard to imagine the green leaves, budding trees and flowers and warm weather that will most likely be happening by the end of April. Such is the glory of spring, and I never tire of seeing the new life beginning again!
Easter is a sacred part of this season too. We commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrating the overcoming of even death. There is no better example of new beginnings!
We can think of our lives as having cycles too. We go through periods of ‘winter’ where we feel frozen, colorless, devoid of energy or motivation. We have our version of ‘spring’ when we feel life stirring, motivating us to start some new project, clean out our (inner and outer) spaces and make room for the new. We are now entering a time of spring in the physical world, and we can choose an inner spring experience.
What inner closets have become crowded with unnecessary, limiting thoughts or beliefs? Can we clean them out, air them out, and replace the discarded old ideas with new ones of love, joy and peace? What dead, dry leaves of negativity need to be discarded? What will be the flowers of creativity and positivity that you plant?
In our physical world, spring comes around each year. In our inner world, we can have spring whenever we choose. We are powerful beyond measure when we are aligned with the inner divine, our higher selves, and all things are possible. We can choose to begin today to live fully, with love, peace and joy. After the style of the TV commercial, what’s in your garden?
Happy Easter!
Rev. Sharon