Faith, Love & Harmony
This is the time of year we gather with family and friends celebrating the season of Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year has certainly tested our ability to “know and stand” in the Unity way of Truth…the holidays will certainly be a testament to how well we are accomplishing the goal. What words can I say that will be a healing balm to those who may still be reeling from the effects of all the appearances and concerns in our environment today. We have been consciously affirming all year…’One Presence, One Power in the Universe and in our lives’, and certainly if there ever were a time to live in the essence of the meaning of those words, it would be now.
Our thoughts and emotions have certainly been on a rollercoaster in 2020, but we can stand on the Truth we know…out of chaos there is growth and there is change. How we perceive the change depends on where we are in consciousness collectively and individually. More and more I hear conversations that lead me to believe we are on the verge of a mass uplift in consciousness for the good of all concerned. If the outcome is nothing more than a greater awareness collectively that what affects one affects us all, then that in itself is a major step in the right direction.
My heart is full of gratitude that I get to move through this experience surrounded by folks who are, ”Motivated by Love and Empowered by Spirit”. Little did I know these words would have such a profound impact and move us through what the world calls a “Pandemic”. The outpouring of unconditional love is no more than that expected from those who are walking the path of the awakened Christ.
As long as we continue to let our lights shine, and continue to live, move and have our being in all that God is, we are empowered with the tools necessary to manifest a way that contributes to the highest good of all ‘People’.
Join us in the chapel (or on Youtube/Facebook) this year as we celebrate the Season of Advent every Sunday beginning November 29th through our Christmas Candlelight Service on Sunday December 20th. Also our traditional Burning Bowl Service which symbolizes releasing and letting go of the old hindering ways of the past as we begin anew. Our in-chapel Sunday Services begin at 10:00 a.m. (all services are recorded live and uploaded Sunday afternoon).
Wishing you a Blessed, Love
Filled and Joyous Holiday Season!