I want to share with you an excerpt from the poem A Budding Flower, from the book “Love Notes For The Journey”, by Jackie Compton.
“You are the budding flower, my friend.
You have emerged from the cold and dark
and have planted your roots in God’s Nourishment.
Then you started to grow spiritually,
facing each challenge that came upon your path.
And now your pedals are opening
and you can feel God’s warmth pressing upon you
in your dedication to Truth,
as you drink in the meaning of Love.”

It is exciting to realize my own journey through life experiences. Question? Do you remember when you came to Unity? The rush you felt the day you begin to realize, “I am more than my experiences. There is much more to me, as an expression of God. I am a powerful spiritual being, and as I come into the realization of the Truth of me, all I need to continue to bloom and unfold are in me”.

Don’t be disillusioned into thinking nothing good is happening because of what the world is experiencing as a ‘People’. Growth is what we gleam from spiritual experience, it can come slowly through chaos and turmoil or in leaps and bounds, quicker than we are able to comprehend at the time. Use the experiences of life to unfold…in each experience is a swarm of useful ideas that can be captured, organized and used to fertilize the growth.

I read, sometimes the mind has to catch up with the heart. We feel so deeply…but our mind is resistant and must be nurtured and fed with Truth. Oh my…when the mind and heart collide and are in tune with each other a burst of new growth springs forth. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it reads, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”. That’s us, we are in full bloom.

Join us here at UCOL as we celebrate Mother’s Day on May 8th, Father’s Day on June 19th, and also Memorial Day Sunday, May 29th for our 10:00 a.m. services. Bring your family and friends!

Love & Blessings

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