Having announced my intention to retire effective November 1 this year, I am so aware of ‘the last time’ for so many things. This will be my last newsletter submission, for example. It’s rather strange, and it makes me aware of many emotions and memories. It is bittersweet! We say in our prayer chaplain training that all change has both happy/exciting aspects and sad/loss aspects. In this time of coming transition, I imagine we’ll all be experiencing both!
The last time I attend a board meeting will be in October, meaning there are just two more meetings. I have had the pleasure and honor of serving on the board with some amazing people! Each year I’ve been here, the board makeup has changed, but I have continually experienced loving, willing and involved people. Each board brought its own talents and gifts, and the church has benefitted from each one, Our current board is charged with overseeing the transition to your new minister, and I have every confidence they will do a wonderful job.
The last time I do a Sunday Service will be October 28. It has been my great honor to bring Unity principles to share in our services. Our music program has expanded so that we’ve been able to have live music, which allows a greater expression of love and energy. Our congregation is and has always been welcoming, loving and helpful, to me and to visitors who come through our doors. Sunday services have been a source of joy and love for me. I am grateful!
And speaking of grateful, I can’t say enough about all the people that volunteer their time and talents. We have amazing teams, and they give of themselves faithfully. Their names are too numerous for this time and venue, but I hope all know of my gratitude!!
In a broader sense, this is also my last church ministry. I have served in church ministry for over sixteen years, and it has been an amazing journey! I have learned, grown, and loved in each ministry I’ve been privileged to serve. This ministry has been the icing on the cake. It is hard to leave!
I have a new chapter ahead of me, one that I’m looking forward to greatly. This ministry has a new chapter ahead too, and I hope everyone can see the exciting possibilities that I can. This is a strong congregation, and I know that your new ‘first times’ will be filled with love and possibility.
Thank you to all of you!
Rev. Sharon