All Is Well


From class assignment to a worldwide spiritual event, Unity World Day of Prayer has become the pause to pray within our movement. Of course, every day is a day of prayer, however, on September 8th and 9th we come together with the intention of uniting our hearts and minds in the greater consciousness of oneness. Twenty-eight years ago, people gathered around the fountains on Unity Village grounds. Unity poet laureate, James Dillet Freeman spoke. The next year, the first official World Day of Prayer came into being and twenty-four hour prayer vigils have been held in many countries ever since.

Prayer is communing with the Spirit of Truth not only with us but within us, ready to teach us all things. If we have learned nothing more during this current human experience, we have all been journeying through as a “people”, it is the importance of realization of community and connection. Through the power of prayer, lifting of the consciousness of Christ we touch the divine attributes of wisdom, understanding, and inspiration. John 16:13 NIV reads, “The Spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth; … and it will declare to you the things that are to come.”

We are uniting this year with people all over the globe vibrating energy into the Universe of unconditional love and a peace that passes all understanding. Yes, the theme this year is perfect for the appearances we are overcoming. Let us all join together and affirm with one voice this year’s affirmation, “NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES, ALL IS WELL WITH MY SOUL!” It is so and so we let it be.

We have more information for you in this Newsletter regarding our activities here at UCOL, feel free to join us. Also, on Unity Worldwide Ministries web-site there is information on how you can participate from home by submitting a prayer request, lighting a candle, and also registering for the on-line broadcasts of events at Unity Village.

Love and Blessings

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